2017年1月19日 星期四

怡南興生葯行--怡南興出入口公司EE Nam Hing company Imort-Export


add:廣東街 34號
( 34, Triệu Quang Phục, quận 5, TPHCM)

EE Nam Hing company Imort-Export
EE Nam Hing company Imort-Export
No 16, Ko Shing Street 2nd Floor, HongKong




參考資料:香港潮州商會九十年發展史,2012,周佳榮,第 42 頁。

        At the end of the nineteenth century, in Hong Kong, " The Nanyang Office " '南洋辦莊' where the Chaozhou merchants operated import and export business throughout Southeast Asia. The Nanyang Office consists of three lines of trade for Thai business, Singapore business, and Annan business.

         In the 1930s, there were over 200 companies to to opera business in those lines.  Annan business began to establish in the 1900s, initially exported tea, herbs and groceries from Hongkhong and imported of native products from Vietnam.

           After the outbreak of the World War I, more and more Chaozhou merchants whose were living in Vietnam used this chance to establish the company in Hongkong, and the business was growing, also increased greatly goods of the import and export.

           Before the World War II, Business is very flourishing. Later, due to the influence of the Vietnam War and politics, gradually fade out the Vietnam market. In the heyday, there had a lot of companies in Saigon, ex: 利莊, 聯興昌, 美豐莊, 偉星公司, 百和祥, 信成號, 源益, 森元, 怡南興, 萬益, 瑞榮.

             I only can find out the information about EE Nam Hing company Imort-Export (怡南興) was operated by Chaozhou merchants, but hope can know the history of the company and the story of the owner. On the other hand, the address of “EE Nam Hing company Imort-Export “  was nearby “Yeetintong”(二天堂) drug store, maybe in long time ago, they were friends and competitors! Who knows?


2017年1月3日 星期二

阿嬤家 AMA Museum-和平與女性人權館


  去年12月訪東京日本友人問起台灣有一個台籍慰安婦紀念館我完全不知上網查後發現是在迪化街有一間阿嬤家 AMA Museum」,找了一天中午去參觀了一下心情沈重。


  我答應他返台後去看看,並約定等他下次來台時,陪他一起去。但是參觀了阿嬤家 AMA Museum發現好像有些人是被擄走的。。。

 去年12月に、東京で日本人の友人は台湾で慰安婦記念館を成立したことをきいてくれました。私はさっぱりわかりませんでした。そして、ネットで、台北市にある「阿 AMA Museum」という慰安婦記念館を見つけました。約束通り、台北に戻ったら、あそこへ行ってきました。気が重くなりました。

                At the end of 2016, I went to Tokyo. A Japanese friend asked me about the museum of  Taiwanese (慰安婦) "comfort women", women and girls who were forced into sexual slavery by the Imperial Japanese Army in occupied territories before and during World War II.

                  I have no idea the "comfort women" museum in Taipei, and I found out an "AMA Museum" in Taipei from the internet. The museum was set up in 2016 to remember the history of Taiwanese “ comfort women”. After I back to Taiwan, I found the time to visit "AMA Museum". My mind was weighed down.

                 Japanese friends also mentioned about "He got the information from Japan, the Taiwanese comfort women were voluntary. Does it true?"

                 As far as I know, some of them volunteered to work, but the job should be as a nurse or domestic worker rather than Voluntary comfort women.

                I promised him to accompany him to visit “AMA Museum” when he visited Taiwan next time. Maybe he should find out the true story of Taiwanese “ comfort women” by himself as he want to know the true.

1942 年台灣軍參謀長要求基隆提供五十名特種慰安婦,

