2024年11月14日 星期四




但記錄他們曾到訪當時的安南王城嘉定城,應該是住在當時的嘉定城郊吧 !



The Citadel of Saigon was drawn by 近藤守重( Kondo, Morishige,1771-1829) in 1796.


阮福景Nguyễn Phúc Cảnh(1780年-1801年),三歲時隨百多祿前往法國求援,七歲時(1787年5月5日)會見了法國國王路易十六。同年11月28日,雙方簽訂同盟條約。路易十六的宮廷御用畫家莫佩林(Maupérin)為阮福景畫了一幅肖像畫,目前保存在巴黎外方傳教會。




1790年的西貢地圖(Plan de la Ville de Saigon 1790)


Source: National Library of France( Bibliothèque nationale de France ,BnF)

1790年的西貢地圖(Plan de la Ville de Saigon 1799)


Source: National Library of France( Bibliothèque nationale de France ,BnF)

Citadel of Saigon before 1835 -- Citadel of Gia Dịnh, now Ho Chi Minh City ( Citadel of Bagua)

During their stay in Annam (Vietnam), the floating refugees of the Japanese fishing boat (Daijo Maru), were sent to live in southern Vietnam, but there are no detailed records of where they lived. However, records mention that they visited the Annamese Palace in Gia Dinh City, so it is likely they resided on the outskirts of the city at that time.

The refugees not only witnessed the Citadel of Gia Dinh,  and visited the founding emperor of the Nguyen dynasty, Nguyen Phuc Anh, and his son, Nguyen Phuc Kien. They can thus be considered historical witnesses of this period.

The emperor of the Nguyen dynasty, Nguyen Phuc Anh asked the French officers Theodore Lebrun and de Puymanel in a Vauban model to design the citadel in Saigon and constructed it in 1790.

Due to the layout of the original citadel like a Baqua ( the Eight Trigrams), thus before 1835, the citadel of Saigon was also called Thành Bát Quái (Citadel of Eight Trigrams) or Thành Quy (It means the same with Thanh Bat Quai in Vietnamese).

According to 『嘉定通城志』Gia Định Thành Thông Chí, the layout of the original citadel was designed in the octagonal form of a lotus flower, with eight gates and the name of each gate by eight trigrams.

More details can be found in the book.


Google book:《南漂安南記事復刻譯註

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