2015年1月9日 星期五

消失的堤岸七府武廟 (Pagode des sept congrégations,Thất Phủ Võ-dế Miếu)


         1820年,由廣、潮、福、漳、泉、徽、瓊等七府旅越華人共同出資,在堤岸廣東街120號(120, rue de canton)興建「七府公所」,公所內奉祀關聖帝君,故稱「七府武廟」
          法文:Pagode des sept congrégations (七府廟)
          越文:Thất Phủ Võ-dế Miếu(七府武帝廟)
          原址:堤岸廣東街120(趙光復街120 , 120 Triệu Quang Phục street)




                                                                                                                      總理  廣州府 關茂利
                                                                                                                      明                程永昌




         1834年,阮朝明命皇敕令,旨准每幫設一幫長,由商號選出,經當局批准立案,其職務爲傳達公令,徵集稅款,舆調解糾紛,此爲管理華僑之始。法人統治越南以後,大抵延習阮朝的管理制度。1862年6月11日印度支那總督命令,對華人創設身税證,每人每年納身稅一元。1863年11月1日命令,規定堤岸商人有糾紛時,由當地「案官」發交七府公所排解,並將經過呈「豸官」判決。1871年10月15日下令,華僑在西貢登陸者必須加入某一 幫。1874年11月24日命令,始在西貢開設移民局,管理華人出口與居留事宜,各幫均屬之。1885年1月,將人數不多的幫合併,於是七幫遂變為廣肇、福建、潮州、客家、海南五幫,每幫各設幫公所,由本幫商民公推正副幫長各一人,負責傳達政府政令、徵集稅款、調解糾紛及代幫民申請各種許可證件;同時在西貢移民局內各設幫辦事處,專司協助辦理本幫僑民出入境手續之責。各幫幫公所均有會館及嘗產,分別興辦學校、醫院、義祠、墳場等福利慈善事業。然七府公所仍然存在,因而稱之為「七府五幫」。



Trong Haw le Su Tong Hoi, Saigon Cholon


      「中華理事總會」的前身為七府公所,設在七府武廟之左廡,是由廣、潮、福、漳、泉、徽、瓊七府僑衆醵資興建,以爲聯絡貿易之機構。1948年9月28日,依法駐越高級專員下令華僑幫公所(congrégation Chinoise) 改稱中華理事會館(Groupement Adurinistratif Chinoise Ragional),各幫長爲中華理事會館理事長,理事長候選人經中法雙方同意,由幫民選舉之,任期四年。七府公所改稱爲「中華理事總會」,原擁有若干公業,月常租項之收得,足供經常費用而有餘。



「南越中華總商會」的前身為「南圻華僑商務總會」,成立於1904年1月,會址設在「七府武廟」右廡。至1923年10月,新會址竣工,即遷移至新址堤岸巴黎街203號(203, Rue de Paris, Cholon)之會所。




Thất Phủ Võ Miếu

          陳上川(Trần Thượng Xuyên), the general of Ming dynasty did not like to work for the government of Qing dynasty, and he took fifty warships and over five thousand people went to Danang in Quangnam. Nguyen dynasty government assigned him and his people to go to South Vietnam to develop Cù Lao Phố (now is Xã Hiệp Hoà, Biên Hòa) which was belonged to Cambodia. They were not only built up a china town over there, in the same time established a prosperous commercial port, merchant ships from China, Japan, Malaysia, Champa, Java and European came here to make business transactions.

        In 1776, a period of prosperity of Cu Lao Pho was demolished after war between Nguyen dynasty and Tayson dynasty. The Chinese immigrates moved from Bien Hoc to Cholon in1778. Meanwhile, more and more the people went to Cholon for business from China, the number of Chinese immigrates was growing in Cholon. In 1802, the government of Nguyen dynasty requested the Chinese immigrates according their dialects to distinguish to be seven communities, including the Guangzhou, Chaozhou, Fuzhou, Zhangzhou, Quanzhou, Huizhou, Qiongzhou. They built up a lot of temples to worship the god both Thien Hou(天后) and Guan De(關帝) to bless and protect them can have a peace life and make money in Cholon.

       The seven communities in Cholon which was Guangzhou, Chaozhou, Fuzhou, Zhangzhou, Quanzhou, Huizhou and Qiongzhou donated the money to build up a temple to workship “Guan De” together at No.120, rue de Canton cholon (120, Triệu Quang Phục street) in 1820. The temple was called “la Pagode des sept congregations” or” Thất Phủ Võ-dế Miếu “(七府武廟).

         The city view of Cholon was recorded in “Gia Định Thành Thông Chí”《嘉定城通志》, and we can know “Fuzhou  Assembly Hall , Guangzhou Assembly Hall and Chaozhou Assembly Hall near by the temple of Guan De. In other words, beside the Thất Phủ Võ-dế Miếu”, we still can see the  Fuzhou  Assembly Hall (Tam Sơn) 三山會館, Guangzhou Assembly Hall ( Tuệ Thành ) 穗城會館and Chaozhou Assembly Hall (Nghĩa An) 義安會館 in Cholon.

          According the record in the plaque of the third rebuilt in 1878, “Thất Phủ Võ Miếu was built by seven Chinese immigrates communities, including Fuzhou, Zhangzhou, Quanzhou, Guangzhou, Chaozhou, Qiongzhou and Ningbo. They would like to built up a temple to worship “Guan De” together, and was called “seven congregations”(七府). There are also listed the donor and donated fee from seven congregations in the plaque.

       In January 1885, the seven communities had combined to be five communities, Guangzhou ,Fujian, Chaozhou, Hakka, Hainan, each assembly hall has to select a leader to support the Indochina government to responsible for communicating government decree, collecting taxes, mediate disputes and help this people of same assembly hall to apply on behalf of a variety of license. At the same time, each assembly hall set up the office in the immigration office in Saigon, solely the responsibility of the group to assist with immigration formalities nationals. Each hall owed their assembly hall building and they also had many property and set up schools, hospitals, temple, cemetery and other welfare charity. However, there are still seven communities, so it was called "seven communities five bang"「七府五幫」.

       La Pagode des sept congregations (七府武廟) was not only the place for the Chinese immigrated to get together, and also had the arbitration function.

        “Sept congregations Chinoise” has been located in the left side in 1820, after World war two, all of the “congrégation Chinoise “(公所)was renamed to” Groupement Adurinistratif Chinoise Ragional” (中華理事會館), thus “Sept congregations Chinoise”(七府公所)was renamed to ” Federation of Groupement Adurinistratif Chinoise Ragional” (中華理事總會). Besides, "Cochinchina Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce" was established in January 1904, it was located in the right side of  Thất Phủ Võ Miếu, and moved to at new place at 203, Rue de Paris, Cholon in October 1923.

     The most important event was happened at 15 o'clock on June 10, 1975. The member of Groupement Adurinistratif Chinoise Ragional signed ten copies documents transfer to Vietnam government in 120, Triệu Quang Phục street. So far, all of records and property of " Thất Phủ Võ Miếu " was officially delivered to Republic of Vietnam government. Therefore, Vietnam government should keep all of documents of " Thất Phủ Võ Miếu " , I think the Vietnamese should more easy to find out the history of " Thất Phủ Võ Miếu ". Hope I can read more information about the temple from the article of Vietnamese researcher in the future.

       After 1975, the government of the Republic of Vietnam took over the place, they think the temple was old probably collapse, and demolished the temple. The statue of Guan Di is transferred to next door the Tam Sơn Assembly Hall to worship. All of the plaques and tablets were lost, I did not find out any record to remind them, just felt lucky can find out some articles which wrote by the overseas Chinese who has been lived in Cholon. I still hope can have a chance to see plaques and tablets of “Thất Phủ Võ Miếu ".

    “Thất Phủ Võ Miếu" was built by Chinese immigrates on 1820, accompanied with Chinese immigrates over 150 years, passed Nguyen dynasty, French Indochina government and the South Vietnamese government, it was demolished after 1975. However, its existence had witnessed the history of overseas Chinese in Cholon.

2 則留言 :

  1. 請問閣下知道提岸『大觀園』,內有一處叫芍藥圃的中式旅館的事嗎?

  2. 非常可惜、在1975年前 (即解放前) 我在 "信義學校" 即七府廟內讀四年班、看到此網頁的資訊才知道七府廟已走進了歷史、所有小時侯回憶的地方、原來已經隨歷史永遠消失 、多謝提供此資訊。
